Hi! I'm Brandon Fox
, a full stack web developer.
I recently graduated from Western Washington University
and am pursuing my dream of creating software for the world to use.

Recent Projects

Pomodoro Timer

A simple implementation of a Pomodoro timer using React. I created this to practice my React skills as well as design. The design for the timer is more visually focused, the tomato shrinks as the timer counts down. This way you can quickly switch to the tab and know about how much time you have left without needing to read the timer.

Technologies Used

Facebook React HTML5 SASS

Real Sports Pearls

A complete redesign of the website for Real Sports Pearls, giving the user a way to visualize the necklace they are going to buy before purchasing. Leveraging responsive design techniques, the website is now accessible on any device.

Technologies Used

AngularJS HTML5 CSS3

Elevator Simulation

I was asked to create this simulation for a local math teacher to help visually show her students how slope works. Being able to change the starting position and speed at which the elevators move makes it easy to see the ramifications of these actions.

Technologies Used

D3.js HTML5 CSS3

iOS WWU Classfinder

Created out of frustration with the lack of responiveness the school's version had, the WWU Classfinder app has helped over 1500 students find classes. It integrates some much needed features on top of the existing pieces of the website: Easy schedule mockups, RateMyProfessor scores, and being able to find books needed for classes. Using Objective-C to create finely tuned web scrapers written to deal with the poorly managed HTML, this application makes finding classes a breeze.

Technologies Used

iOS Programming Objective-C with XCode

WPF Scavenger Hunt Creator

A PDF template creator for a local math teacher to automate some of the work required to create activities for class. By specifying images for the questions and answers, the application will create a randomized PDF for a math scavenger hunt.

Technologies Used

Windows Presentation Forms C# iTextSharp for creating PDF's